Things we can do by ourselves, and things that we can't

Making a list (and not checking it twice) of things one can do by oneself and those which one can only do with somebody else. Please feel to contribute.

Things one can do by oneself - read, run, swim, meditate, eat, hike, chop wood, ski, drink, dance, sleep, play chess, cook, sing, practice any number of sports, feel guilt (as opposed to shame).

Things that can be done only with participation of at least one other person - hug, kiss, have a conversation, get or give a massage, shake hands, play any number of sports, entertain somebody else with one's dance, singingor writing, feel shame (as opposed to guilt).


Anonymous said…
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Unknown said…
Miljenko, I guess its been sunny in Vancouver this summer!
Miljenko said…
Ha ha yes, Kirtsen but I'll get back to it and guess what, the next post is something you know stuff about - renewable energy.
Deanna said…
I'm pretty sure I've seen some people having conversations and entertaining themselves. But I wouldn't argue with them that it's not possible.

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