More about Inequality and how is "equality" supposed to come about
I wrote a post about Inequality as "the big issue of our time" after Piketty's book inspired a lot of hang wringing over it. This is a continuation and elaboration on the same. I feel that because of the US Republican tax plan we are getting into another round of "Inequality" discussions. And since I have written about it before and done some numbers, I wonder if people really have any idea what they are talking about when they are discussing inequality. The first of those is is inequality a problem and if so for what reasons? Is it because it is unfair for some people to have more than others? Or is it because a prolonged and exacerbated inequality will create social conflict and things are going to end badly? Because depending on which of those you believe, the approach to lessening inequality could be very different. So make up your mind - should a society mandate that no individual could make more than 15x what another person makes or have a 10...