"Men Behaving Badly"

So all of this stuff about men behaving badly made me ponder my own behaviours to try and review have I ever done anything of the sort. If you are a guy and you say you did not think about it in the last few weeks you are lying.

And the conclusion I have come to, again, is that I simply am not able to relate to some of the states of mind that must be present when men do some of these things. If it did not happen so often, I would find the notion that it exists at all incredible.

For example, what is it with the getting undressed in front of a woman BF ("before foreplay")? How is that supposed to work in their own mind - your stuff is just so impressive that once your drop the towel, she will be unable to control her desire for IT and jump you? Where does this notion come from - have men been told this by their mothers, sisters or female friends? That this is a sure fire, never fails, way of getting a woman to have sex with you? If nobody told them that, why do they believe it? If there is a Seinfeld episode about it, it must happen a lot.

And what about masturbating in front of a woman - how exactly is that thrilling? Who is proud of their masturbation to the point where they think it is something to "share"? How does it excite them to be seen while masturbating? Even monkeys try to masturbate with some semblance of privacy. The sick urge must be overwhelming to make them have a mental short-circuit of that kind.

I have never ever been part of a guy conversation in which one guy says "and then I just whipped it out and masturbated right in front of her". Never ever. So it is not something you would brag about, discuss or give as an example of a successful conquest. Or maybe young people today do talk about that?

And finally, even the stuff like pulling a woman's head in for a forcible kiss. Where does one get the guts to do that in the first place - asking for a phone number was always an insurmountable obstacle for me. To actually walk up to a woman and pinch her ass or pull her in for a kiss requires something I clearly was not born with. Like everything else that I completely cannot relate to, it is a bit disorienting. I am observing this world which I am not a part of, I am some weird outside observer who really has no first hand understanding of what is going on inside the Zoo.

And yes, I did not have a whole lot of dates in high school. I wonder why.


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